Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Bestest Thing

Last week was arduous. There has been a lot going on in my personal life and it has drained me. J has been my saving grace. He cares for me, He centers me, He reminds me to take care of myself. He has never interfered in my daily life or my decisions, yet He listens and understands. He also shares His perceptions with me, perceptions from someone who is not embroiled in the problems. That, combined with the fact He is smart, funny and loving, allows me to remain sane through the struggles of life.

The bestest thing in the whole wide world? He will be here this week. Wednesday is our anniversary of sorts, we met online two years ago. That auspicious beginning seems both a forever ago and only yesterday. Each passing day brings me closer and more bound to Him. In every way, He is my ideal man. Never have I experienced this level of intimacy, love and concern with another person. It is one of the few times in my life that I allowed the Universe to get it right.

Thank you J, for accepting me, loving me and putting up with me for two whole years.


Moi said...

Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your time together.

Paul said...

Alice, I'm happy for you, may all your future anniversaries be equally happy.
Love and warm hugs,

Anonymous said...

You must be in heaven right about now. Good for you!


Alice said...

Thanks to everyone for their well wishes. J's visit was heavenly, it just keeps getting better and better.